Importance Of Interest In Therapeutic Recreation

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Throughout my adult life, my passion has been to help others. I have always been driven to make the world we live in a better place, even if it is just for that one person. My passion and drive have been the influencing factors in my personal history, my interest in Therapeutic Recreation and my academic and career goals. Who I am as a person is the sum of my experiences, what I enjoy and the skills that I possess. From an early age I have always enjoyed the outdoors and find nature relaxing. My enjoyment of the woods has led to camping so many times that I have lost track, which has led to backpacking becoming one of my favorite ways to get out of the city and into the mountains, just myself and my dogs. As I grew older, my love for the outdoors …show more content…

My recruit class’s training Lieutenant was a Recreation Therapist before he became a Firefighter, and even spent some time as a teacher at Eastern Washington University within the Therapeutic Recreation department. The things that he would talk about and stuff he had the opportunity to do led me to the idea that if I could do it over again or if being a Firefighter fell through, I would take a serious look at Recreation Therapy. When I was let go from the Fire Department I felt that it was time to give Therapeutic Recreation a good look. After researching the field and talking with the advisors at Eastern Washington University, I felt that Recreation Therapy was a perfect fit for myself. My experience with Therapeutic Recreation is only from talking with my training Lieutenant and personal research, my only medical experience is in EMS and Military Medicine, I have no firsthand experience with in the field of Therapeutic Recreation. Even though I currently have no personal experience with in the field of Therapeutic Recreation, I am currently working with the VA Hospital to begin doing work study in the VA Hospital Therapeutic Recreation department and hope to be able to start that

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