Importance Of Fire Protection

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Fire protection refers to measures taken to prevent fire from becoming destructive, reduce the impact of uncontrolled fire and save lives and property. It involves the implementation of safety planning practices and drills, and includes education on fire, research, investigation, safety planning, building construction, safe operations, training and testing of mitigating systems. There are three basic essentials of fire protection: • Study of Fire: To learn the causes of fire, fire extinguishing techniques, detection and extinguishing equipment and their uses, and the rules and regulations related to building construction. • Active Fire Protection: Includes manual or automatic detection of fire, the use of fire and smoke alarms, firefighting …show more content…

The active fire protection system is a group of systems that require some amount of action or motion in order to work efficiently in the event of a fire. Actions may be manually operated, like a fire extinguisher or automatic, like a sprinkler, but either way they require some amount of action. Active fire protection system includes fire/smoke alarm systems, sprinkler systems, and fire extinguishers as well as firefighters. Fire/smoke alarm systems are used to detect whether there is fire and/or smoke in a building. Sprinkler systems are used to help slow the growth of the fire. Fire extinguishers and firefighters are used to help put out the fire …show more content…

A fire naturally occurs when the elements are present and combined in the right mixture meaning that fire is actually an event rather than a thing. A fire can be prevented or extinguished by removing any one of the elements in the fire triangle. For example, covering a fire with a fire blanket removes the oxygen part of the triangle and can extinguish a fire. In large fires where firefighters are called in, decreasing the amount of oxygen is not usually an option because there is no effective way to make that happen in an extended

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