Importance Of Attribution Theory In Communication

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In order to understand perception 's effect on communication, it helps to understand how individuals try and make sense of their judgments. The Attribution Theory is one element to this understanding. It helps give reasoning or cause for an action by assigning explanations to events. In other words, it allows an individual to give a reason for the result of an action. Psychological research into attribution began with the work of Fritz Heider in the early part of the 20th century, subsequently developed by others such as Harold Kelley and Bernard Weiner.
Attribution theory is concerned with how individuals interpret events and how this relates to their thinking and behavior and assumes that people try to determine why people do what they …show more content…

Perceptions are necessary in order to evaluate people, place, things and situations around us. But if these things change, or we have changed but our perception of them or the relationship doesn’t change, then we are limiting things between us to be the way they are. We must always try and refresh our perceptions. Recognizing the fact that things change frees up the relationship or situation for growth and transformation rather than causing the same old problems to keep reoccurring. When others change and we still see them the way they were before, we prevent ourselves from perceiving the changes and therefore do not experience them. We wonder why they never change when they actually did.
You can even change your experience with others simply by changing the way you perceive them, even when they haven’t really changed. When you change your perception of others, you change the interaction between you and them, you also change yourself. You create and attract everything into your experience including your interactions with people. Your perception of others create what they are towards you, therefore changing your perception of them changes

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