Imperium in Imperio

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Imperium in Imperio is a novel that focuses on the problem of race in America. Sutton Griggs portrays the tale of a radical yet secret movement, told by two contemporaries. This is the first major political novel written by an African-American. The main characters of the novel confront the torment and conflict of their time. Griggs deploys his characters to illustrate the climate of the day. He touches on such issues as miscegenation, Jim Crow, the political exploitation of the Black man, and the lack of protection of freed slaves (Griggs 8).

The novel was published in 1899, during the heat of the Post-Bellum period. At this point in time Blacks had only experienced thirty four years of freedom. The Reconstruction era marked the further deconstruction of the Black man (Armah 176). Associations such as the Freedman's Bureau and other philanthropists assisted free men in integrating into society. On the contrary, Black codes were established by the city and state, in order to deny Blacks from the franchise of capitalism. Brutal terrorism was employed to enforce the Black codes and perpetuate free labor.

Lynching was supported by Federal Government through non-sanctions of lynch mobs. Such atrocities kept Black people in check for generations. These brutal acts of terrorism reaffirmed white authority, white identity, and solidified the white community.

The novel begins in 1867 in Northwestern Virginia. Imperium in Imperio is a story of racial uplift. It is told through they eyes of two Black men who wish to uplift their race during the turbulence of Reconstruction. They aspire to encourage their entire race, using the crutch of education as their support. These two individuals are Bernard Belgrave and ...

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...onclusion, it will never be working of one ideology which heals the wounds of race in America. It is the cooperation of all perspectives, which will lead to true freedom.

Work Cited

Armah, Ayi Kwei. Two Thousands Seasons. Popenguine, Senegal: PER ANKH, 1973

Dyson, Michael. I May Not Get There with You. New York, NY: Touchstone, 2000

Fanon, Frantz. Black Skin White Masks. New York, NY: Grove Press, 1967

Graham, Otis. Our Kind of People. New York, NY: Harper Collins, 1999

Griggs, Sutton. (1925). Paths of Progress or Co-Operation between the Races.

Griggs, Sutton. (1921). Light on Racial Issues.

Griggs, Sutton. (1923). The Guide to Racial Greatness.

Griggs, Sutton. (1925). The Ten Requirements for Racial Success.

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