Images An assessment of how different authors use imagery

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Five, that’s how many senses we have. One to let us see the beautiful world around us, another to let us hear the sweet song of the birds. Others to let us smell, taste, and touch the things around us in the kitchen. Everyone has senses, but how can you explain to another, without verbal communication, what it is like to experience parts of the world? You must do this through your writing in order to make another understand. This is called imagery and all the greatest writers use it. Some examples of stories that use imagery would be; (1) There’s No Word for Goodbye by Mary Mountain, (2) Daily by Naomi Nye, (3) Hope by David Hilben,(4) and The Day of the Storm by Tyroneca Booker.
In the poem There’s No Word for Goodbye by Mary Mountain, Mary uses some very interesting imagery. She uses her skills as a writer to help the reader understand what it was like to gaze into her aunt’s eyes as he died. Mary writes ( page 678, lines 1-4),” Sokoya, I said, looking through the net of wrinkles into the wise black pools of her eyes.” Net of wrinkles, black pools for eyes, these are examples of ...

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