Ignorance In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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Within society, ignorance is a growing epidemic that is gladly accepted by people as they are led to believe that ignorance is bliss but in reality, it’s the root of all evil. Why would we accept this evil when we condemn others for similar crimes of lying and even murder? This desire and inclination towards ignorance needs to be eradicated, which is why I created themes within my novel, an important piece of the puzzle; a piece that not only reveals the foundations of my novel to all of you but extends your exposure. The overarching theme of ‘Lord of the Flies’ is the battle between two human instincts: the instinct to live by rules and protect a group against the instinct to gratify one’s desires and act violently to obtain power over others. This conflict …show more content…

Although savagery, like evil, is an inescapable fact of human existence, civilisation can suppress it however it can never eradicate it because as humans, can we ever be a perfect species? Can we ever learn to live in peace? Can we ever have a utopia? You must understand what I’m trying to convey – you must understand that despite our intelligence we still revert to our primal, animalistic nature and that is the result of humanity’s illness. Above all, you must use this knowledge and control this savagery before it controls you. As the characters abandon civilisation and adopt this savagery, they naturally lose the sense of innocence they possessed at the beginning of the novel. The loss of innocence is seen in the characters’ progression from well-behaved children longing for rescue to painted savages who have hunted, tortured and killed as group mentality began to swamp individual morality. Almost all the characters detach themselves from their ethics but when do we abandon our morals? When are we forced to expose ourselves to this innate

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