If You Have Been Patient Analysis

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Would You Have Been Patient? (A Story About Patience) Has there ever been a time where you were very patient, but had every right not to be? Me personally, I’m not a very patient person at all. However, there have been instances where I have been very patient when I usually would not have been. This is a story about a night I spent with my two friends, Jane and Sarah. They both did some things that would normally annoy me, but I was unusually calm through the night. As you know, students in High School party. They drink, smoke, and do things that they really shouldn’t be doing. One night, I decided to go to a party with my friends Jane and Sarah. I was the designated driver, so I was not drinking that night. We weren’t in Worland so we needed to leave to get home at a decent time. Sarah was having a good time, so she didn’t want to leave. I patiently explained to her that it was time to go, and she eventually listened. We got in my new car that I had just bought, and started driving home. We drive for about fifteen minutes, but that’s when things started to get bad. …show more content…

Because of this, we needed to stop every five minutes for at least one of them to throw up. Jane was calm for the most part, but Sarah was acting pretty crazy. We arrived in town and needed to stop for Sarah to throw up. At first, she held her hands to her mouth and motioned for us to stop, but I couldn’t see her from the front seat. As a result, she threw up all over the back of my car. Normally, I would have gotten so angry, and would have been so impatient. There was throw up everywhere. On my seats, on the floor, in the shoes that were back there, and last but not least, all over Sarah herself. Anyone in my shoes would have been overly impatient, but I was actually

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