If You Come Softly Essay

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The beautifully written book, If You Come Softly by Jacqueline Woodson, centers around the star-crossed lovers, Jeremiah and Elisha. Woodson wove a story about first love and the challenges that the two protagonists must face as an interracial couple. Jeremiah, known as Miah, is a wealthy fifteen-year-old African American high school student. Elisha, who prefers to be called Ellie, is an upper-class white Jewish fifteen-year-old high school student. They accidentally bumped into each other and instantly felt a connection with each other. Their relationship slowly progresses and they became more comfortable with each other. They tell each other about themselves, with one person confiding their secrets and the other listening closely. Although …show more content…

One example of this being demonstrated is when Ellie and Miah defeat their own fears caused by their family problems. The hate that comes with these problems and fears were overpowered by their love. Ellie was able to trust Miah to not leave her and Miah was comfortable enough reveal the truth about his parents to Ellie. Another example is shown when they did not let the society’s viewpoints that were portrayed by people’s disapproval towards their relationship interfere. They did not let it bother them to the point that they stop their relationship. Their love was too strong for that to happen. Despite these reasons, other readers might think differently and say that Miah’s death was a demonstration of the force of hatred overpowering the force of love. However, this is untrue because Ellie still continued loving Miah and did not regret their relationship. She treasures the time spent with Miah and did not let other people’s opinions and actions get in the way of that. Hence, the love between Ellie and Miah was much more powerful that the hate in their personal life and society’s inability to accept interracial

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