Identity Of Mercury Essay

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Mercury, historically known as quicksilver, is a unique element, whose long history and characteristics are some to be marveled at. A silvery white transition metal, mercury has a high luster, giving it a mirror-like appearance. It is the only metal that remains liquid at room temperature, yet it is not wet. This is because of its inability to be absorbed by other substances; instead, when spilled, it forms small, spherical beads. These beads are highly mobile and tremble at the slightest touch. Mercury is also extremely dense. In fact, it is the densest liquid element, so dense that a block of lead is able to float on it.
Because it has been recognized since before 2000 B.C., the identity of the mercury’s discoverer remains a mystery. Evidence confirms that it had been used by ancient chemists throughout China, Greece, Rome, Egypt, and India. Traces of the element have even been discovered in Egyptian tombs. Although it had been in use for thousands of years, it wasn’t until the late 18th century that it was recognized as an element.
Mercury has many names, which all relate to its one-of-a-kind properties. In ancient times, it was dubbed ‘quicksilver,’ due to its color and mobility. Later, Aristotle referred to it as ‘hydro-argyros,” meaning “liquid silver,” which was …show more content…

With an abundance of about 85 parts per billion by weight, it is about as abundant as silver. It is seldom found in its free state but can be extracted from ores, such as corderoite, livingstonite, and cinnabar. Cinnabar (mercuric sulfide) is the main ore containing mercury and is normally located in volcanic regions and near hot springs. Mercury is obtained by heating the cinnabar and condensing the vapors that lift from the combination. Alchemists began successfully separating mercury from its ore and developing amalgams with it as early as the time of Christ. Now, half of the world’s production of the metal occurs in Spain and

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