Ideas of Government in The Prince

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Modern-day society is corrupt. It is sad and unfortunate, but it is true. The global economy is suffering an international meltdown. Egypt is at war with itself. AIDS infections are at an all-time high, as are divorce and suicide rates. Optimism is becoming less and less of an option for most individuals. Put flatly, the world is in chaos, and it is not showing any signs of getting better. Because of this, the hope of one day living in an “ideal society” is today thought of as no more than a fantasy to most people. Since the inception of politics, philosophers and rulers have dreamed and argued over what it would take to perfect a society, but illogical worldviews have been limiting progress. Plato designed a Republic on the basis of philosophical reasoning, believing that wisened thought alone can maintain order; Catholic radicals argued that ideals should be based on the texts of the Church and Pope. Machiavelli, however, realized that none of these systems could possibly work, and so designed his own ideology on what could make the perfect society. He argues that the actions and virtues of rulers, or “Princes,” should be based on what has worked throughout history, and should not be based on unrealistic expectations. This is a very scientific means of establishing a more ideal society, and as Machiavelli ultimately proves, it is the most rational means of creating a more perfect State.

History is littered with examples of good rulers, and with that, numerous examples of bad rulers. There are countless benefits to studying history, and though some may argue about the implications of various events, it is generally agreed that history allows societies and individuals to understand, and learn from, the mistakes of the past. I...

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...t; he is simply saying that a Prince need not fall victim to vice that would “be his ruin” (Machiavelli 40).

Though a perfect society could never be created, Machiavelli's view on how world leaders should run their States provides the next-best alternative. It is logical, it is scientific, and above all, it is based on what history has already demonstrated as effective. There is no theory involved, no guesswork, no blind faith. A society should not be based on what a leader believes can help a society; it should be based on what a leader knows will help a society. A Machiavellian State is a State that is based on empirical evidence, and strong proofs. Rulers should not base their leadership on chance and fortune. The ideas expressed in Machiavelli's The Prince should not be taken for granted, for if they are held in high regard, a greater society can be formed.

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