Iago As A Villain In Othello

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While reading the play “The Tragedy Of Othello” by Shakespeare I realized that it was almost like reading one big poem. Many of Shakespeare’s plays have a rhyme scheme this is called blank verse, “written prodomintaly in blank verse, Othello also includes prose passages (many spoken by Iago) and rhymed couplets (which punctuate the ends of some scenes)” (DiYanni 1011). The character I took the most interest in was Iago. He is portrayed as the villain throughout the play. Iago claims that he always speaks the truth when everything is an elaborated lie to manipulate others. Iago is married to Emilia, it was surprising to me that he did have a wife because he doesn’t have a good view on women. He believes they are suppose to be servants and housewives. In his view lying and cheating is the way to get things done. What makes Iago one of the worst shakespeare villains is, he is out to …show more content…

For example Iago says, “Even now, now, very now, an old black ram Is tupping your white ewe. (Shakespeare 1015). He uses the metaphor black ram to get the point across the person is a different race. That is one of his best traits manipulation. Iago makes it very clear that he doesn’t have a good view on women. This wasn 't shocking to me because he is a married man who seems to only care about himself. In Act II, Scene I Iago says, “You are pictures out of door, bells in your parlors, wild cats in your kitchens, saint in your injuries, devils being offered, players in your housewifery and housewives in your beds” (Shakespeare ). He uses very strong dialog to get his feelings across. Saying women are like pictures because they paint their faces with makeup, they never give anyone else the benefit of the doubt and that makes them devils. He thinks that the women pretend to be housewives when they are really

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