ISIS Synthesis Essay

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ISIS launching a series of terrorist attacks against American embassies in Iraq, Egypt, Jordan and Libya would certainly warrant the United States to launch a war against ISIS. This is ethically justified through the jus ad bellum condition of proportionality to the means of war, and the jus post bellum because the war would ultimately re-establish a peace preferable to the peace that existed before the war. The President’s plan for military action in response to ISIS terrorist attacks is justified on both just war theory, and the utilitarian, common good, and virtue ethical frameworks.
The war would be justified by the theory of just war in ad bellum and post bellum. The jus ad bellum requirement is met because because the proportionality, or the ends of war, are proportional to the means of war. The means of war here is the war against ISIS with 100,000 troops on the ground …show more content…

The utilitarian framework takes into account the benefits and the harm that the war could cost and which alternative will lead to the best outcome with the least harm. (Andre et al. 1996) The virtue ethical component considers which course of action will build good moral virtues, and lastly, the common good tries to accomplish common good. The US engaging in the war is a decision that chooses war and defeating this terrorist regime as the alternative that will lead to the best outcome. (Andre et al. 1996)
From the utilitarian framework responding with military troops will definitely harm ISIS soldiers, and ISIS itself, however this will ultimately help the entire world population to be safe from attacks. The President’s plan for military intervention against ISIS has the potential to defeat ISIS and thus keep the world free from harm from this organization in the future. This plan may also harm US soldiers, but it will ultimately lead to the best outcome, and the least harm in the long

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