ICT in Cameroon Primary Schools

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Apart from the models, other scholars have suggested conditions that must be present if the process of using technology is likely to be successful. One of those scholars that have caught the attention of many people in the field of technology integration is Donald Ely. Ely (1999) suggested eight conditions that must exist or be made available for adoption of an educational innovation to take place. The process of ICT integration is the process that involves the adoption of new innovations. According to Ely (1999), these conditions are interrelated and influence each other. This means the presence of one may not be sufficient to suggest success unless the others are also present. However, other conditions, according to Ely (1999) are more necessary than others. These conditions are:

1. Dissatisfaction with the status quo. This is the condition of the implementers when they feel that change is required. It is the situation that emanates from the emotional feeling of the implementers when they are dissatisfied with what is currently available. They perceive the current methods as insufficient and ineffective (Ely, 1999). Ely provides reflective phrases of those who are dissatisfied that gives an impression of how this condition exists: "Something is not right. Things could be better. Others are moving ahead, we are standing still. There must be something we can do to improve the situation". He says that this emotional state may be inert or induced and it is linked to leadership. So, if we understand what causes dissatisfaction and the extent of the dissatisfaction, we can help change it, and it would be easier to communicate innovations to the adopters.

2. Presence of sufficient knowledge and skills. In order to make the


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...t and encouragement to users, as well as role

modeling in the use of the innovation. He says, "Once the executive

leadership is evident, then the project leadership becomes even more

important because the person who can help with implementation is closer to

the user". Surry and Ensminger (2002) say that knowing how faculty

members view the importance of these eight conditions can assist an

institution in successfully implementing a web-based instructional program. In another study on the teachers' perceptions of Ely's conditions on the implementation of online programs, Ensminger and Surry (2002) found that teachers perceived availability of resources as the most important condition for implementing a new technology program. They found that adequate skills and knowledge and dissatisfaction with the status-quo were the next most important conditions.

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