I Hate You I Love You By Gnash

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The song that I went with is “I Hate You, I Love You” by Gnash. The song was written about a relationship that is viewed in two perspectives. What I got out of listening to the song is that in the girl's point of view she feels used. She still misses him even though time has passed she realizes how much she needs him and how much it hurts her to see him with another woman. Also she has hatred towards him because of what he did, but at the same time no one can take his place because of the history that holds them together. However, another woman has taken her place, making her his only choice and she emphasizes that he wants and needs her, but she will never be in her place again. As in the guy's perspective, he also misses her and hasn't completely …show more content…

That even friends can do you wrong. He's hurt because he poured his feelings to her but she blatantly ignored. Even though she loves him, she wants to keep their relationship a secret where not even her friends know about him. They also got to the point where they try to save the relationship, and talk about marriage, but now he has to protect his heart because he can't handle another heartbreak. When a relationship starts there is always a promise not to let the other fall, but in this case she did. After a break up the common thing that people tend drink to get things off their mind and forget. In this case he drank and got mixed emotions that got him missing people he shouldn't. At the end of a relationship it's hard to distance yourself from a person you’ve fallen for.Therefore he says in order to that distance you have to burn the bridge between the two, which means erase the things that connects the two. Going back to the girl's perspective, she also expresses how the guy sees the other woman as the only thing in his life. To the point where he didn't notice he was slowly killing her by forgetting about her that fast. This is what I got off just by hearing the

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