I Believe School Lesson: My Personal Philosophy Of Education

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Since a child, I had a desire to become an educator. I truly enjoyed playing school with my siblings and cousins; this involved me teaching them a make-believe school lesson. This was an activity I did as a game for enjoyment as a child. Whoever knew then, this would be the very profession I would be pursuing now. This has been a passion of mines for many years. As an adult, I have worked with children from elementary through high school. It has been a great honor and privilege to see students grow and develop. It's more than a career for me; actually, my goal is to see the next generation excel to greatness. Many people have uncertainty on this generation of children because it appears to be hopeless to change their destiny. However, I always believe there is hope wherever life is present. …show more content…

For this cause, I encourage students to go to college by building their desire at a young age. As well as, build their social development by means of teaching them character traits. I anticipate creating a better generation to come for the society now and in the future. For this cause, I expect to help eliminate appalling behavior and negative outcomes of lifestyle within the world, through teaching students to obtain an excellent education, character, and manners. Many people have lost belief in this generation's change in academic and behavior. Mainly, people rest on observations of the student's current position in life mentally and where they live physically to make this conclusion. For this cause, I am extremely passionate in remaining a genuine influence toward a generation that basically needs help for change to actually take

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