I Beat Algernon Quote Analysis

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“IQ gets you hired, EQ gets you promoted” ~Unknown. This quote demonstrates that IQ and EQ are both equally important and that everyone needs both. According to too Are Americans Smarter than Ever? IQ is “ most commonly used to measure the mental ability.” Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions.” Throughout the story, Charlie Gordon had many different stages of IQ. At the beginning of the story Charlie knew very little. “What happened is a nice young man was in the room and he had some white cards with ink spilled all over them [...] I told him I saw an inkblot” (672). As it went on in the story Charlie would start to get smarter and smarter. “I beat Algernon! I didn't even know I beat him …show more content…

At the beginning, Charlie's EQ wasn’t high but also wasn’t at its lowest. “Later some men in white coats took me to a different part of the hospital and gave me a game to play. It was like a race with a mouse [...] Anyway that test made me feel worse than all the others because they did it over 10 times with different mazes and Algernon won every time.” (674-675) All throughout the story, Charlie's emotions were different, but towards the middle, he had a much high EQ. “I felt sick inside as I looked at his dull, vacuous smile, the wide, bright eyes of a child, uncertain but eager to please. They were laughing at him because he was mentally retarded. And I had been laughing at him too. Suddenly, I was furious at myself and all those who were smirking at him” (15 on PDF). As the story went on many things happened to his IQ but at the end of the story, his EQ wasn’t as good as it was. “If you ever reed this Miss Kinnian dont be sorry for me Im glad I got a second chanse to be smart becaus I lerned a lot of things that I never even new were in this world and Im grateful that I saw it all for a littel bit.”(21 on the PDF) In this story Charlie went through a lot, he learned to understand his own and other

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