I Am Malala

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From the beginning you are able to sense the seriousness and command for attention the author wishes to express from her novel. The setting she explains in her prologue was the start of her journey to her phenomenal journey for female rights in education. These locations and surroundings add onto her theme of identity, which makes a clear appearance at the end of the prologue, as well as the importance of education. Malala uses certain words in order to create a clear tone. An example of this from the novel I Am Malala is ,“The night before, Fazlullah had announced that schools for girls were haram. This man has just declared our peaceful sanctuary forbidden by the Holy Quran.” (43, Yousafzai) By using words such as declared and forbidden …show more content…

Malala was just seen trying to be optimistic as the Taliban continued to make their way around, not only, Pakistan, but her life, as a python slowly closing in and squeezing their victims, until they are trapped with no way out. This, however, was her final blow, education was something she always had and it was suddenly being taken away from her.
Malala has been a strong advocate for owning your identity. You can see the importance identity has upon Yousafzai when she challenges her culture by refusing to never cover her face at a young age because “[her] face is her identity.” Her identity changes alongside her situation creating strings to her character and she continues to progress into the activist she is today. Malala Yousafzai ends her prologue by stating, “Who is Malala? I am Malala, and this is my story.” (Yousafzai, 7) This quote not only makes an empowering …show more content…

We should all have the right to basic knowledge. In the novel Yousafzai also states, ““Malala,” I said to myself. “Just tell him what is in your heart. That you want an education. For yourself. For all girls, for his sister, his daughter. For him.” That’s what I would do. Then I would say, “Now you can do what you want.”” (Yousafzai, 119) Very much like the statement, “I Am Malala,” Yousafzai is making a bold declaration. Yousafzai affirmed her stance on education and what is important for her. She shows her strength by remaining calm under a threatening situation, while never forgetting her cause. She is willing to lose her life for this cause, because she understands the importance. In this situation she either leaves fighting for what she loves or possibly changing an ignorant perspective. Either way her cause will continue to move forward. In her Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech Yousafzai states, “I tell my story, not because it is unique, but because it is not. It is the story of many girls.” (Yousafzai, 2014) Yousafzai wants to show the world of the injustice she, and other women face. She only wants to gain attention for her cause, not for self

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