I Am Malala

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Have you ever judged a book by its cover? Many people have but they do not mean to. We do not just do this objects; we do this to humans, too. We assume, guess and judge even if we do not know them. I feel that Muslim people are misjudged the most. Before I read I Am Malala I was one of those people. I am Malala changed my perception of how girls are treated in the Middle East, especially in the area of education, independence, and how they are not any different from anyone else.
Could you imagine not being able to school. Some people might like that but girls in Middle Eastern countries would do anything to go. Most of the time it is optional or they are forbidden to go. And even if they wanted to go to school they would be judged in a negative way. They also have poor quality school and that make it hard to learn if you are in poor school conditions. …show more content…

Girls like Malala have to be under the command of men. When they go out they have to go with a male to accompany them. They couldn’t even go to the market alone without them. The man almost always has the upper hand in all of the relationships. They women are also required to wear burqas. Some of the woman have to even wear ones that totally cover their faces. If they don't wear them they could get beaten or killed because of this action. It is crucial that they do in their culture, but here we can wear anything we like. They also have restrictions on where they go. Malala was lucky because she was able to to sit with her dad and talk with them. They typically have two different rooms one for woman to talk

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