I Am David Character Analysis

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I Am David

David is a very brave and courageous boy. In I Am David, by Anne Holm, David travels across Europe to Denmark, and along the way he meets new people, experiences new things, and gets into trouble. David is brave and determined to get to Denmark, but he also can be a little dishonest at times to keep from any suspicion from other people. David started out in a camp where he was the only child there. Johannes was like his dad during his time there. After a while, he dies and the man gives David a mission to get to Denmark. David also takes a letter with him there. On the way he meets new people and does things that he didn’t know how to do, but ended up learning these new things. Throughout the story, David becomes very brave. In the beginning of the story escape the camp. He laid in bed wondering what to do and eventually thinks that if the man is telling a lie, he’d die sooner than he might if he stayed. So he might as well do it because he has nothing to lose. While trying to escape, there was a few moments where David had to gather the courage of bravery. When he was trying to elude the …show more content…

While on his trip, David was very determined to get to Denmark. When in the snow, David kept going on towards Denmark and would not stop. Then when he was caught by the farmer, David kept digging a way out of the snow to escape. Even before this David showed determinedness. When he was trying to save Maria, he kept doing what he could, even though most people would have stopped. This is because he was trying to please his God. When he knew he could have done something for God or him, he did it till done.Being determined and brave helped David get to Denmark. Even though not everything about him was good. Even though he was very honest, David made several lies to get what he wanted, or to keep others from

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