Hydraulic Fracturing Benefits

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Hydraulic Fracturing has many dangers that outweigh its benefits. Fracking (Hydraulic Fracturing) – what is it, what are the benefits and what are the dangers? What is it? Oil companies pump a combination of water, sand and toxic chemicals in to the earth crust to break up shale. This process facilitates the release of natural gasses, which serve as a source of energy. As higher demands for energy occur to power people’s homes, and electronics, natural gas consumption has made the gas exhausted, especially in the U.S.A. As a result, the costs of electricity get more and more expensive. And as natural gas get harder and harder to get, there would need to be different methods on how make natural gas more accessible. This is where Fracking …show more content…

The high pressure causes the rock layer to crack. The Fracking fluid is used to release the natural gas and fill cracks in the rock layer. The chemicals in the Fracking fluid contain a component called a proppant. The proppant is a material that prevents the created fractures from closing after the fracturing treatement. Types of proppant include silica sand, resin-coated sand, bauxite, and other man-made ceramics. The most used proppant is silica sand, even though other ingredients, such as resin-coated sand, or bauxite is more effective. Fracking fluid varies depending on the fractering type chosen. The fluid can be foam, gel, or slickwater. Fluids such as gel, are better at holding the cracks between the rocks, but gel is more harmful to humans. So slickwater is chosen to be the fluid used most during the Fracking process. But since slickwater is really weak in keeping the rocks separated, it has to be ejected at higher pressure. But since slickwater has to be ejected at higher pressure, the proppant can seep through the layer above the rock layer. Causing the harmful fluids to contaminate the water that we use to drink. …show more content…

Fluid consists of 8 million liters of water, 200 liters of chemicals and several thousand tons of sand. Fracking Water consumes huge quantities of fresh water, which it contaminates and makes highly toxic. The water cannot even been cleaned in a water treatment plant. Chemicals include such cancer causing compounds as Formic Acid and

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