Humorous Wedding Speech: To Be A Good Mother

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I have known that this day would come ever since my son informed his Dad and I, at the tender age of 4, that he was pretty sure that he was heterosexual and that he truly loved women and their boobies. In addition, the arrival of this day was further confirmed to me when Kristofer was in 1st grade and announced, on the way home from school, that “someday” he planned to marry a girl who was “Very loving and very beautiful and drives a white mini-van”. It is apparent that you fit all the criteria, albeit the white mini-van. I also knew at a very young age that Kristofer is a man of self-assured strength, and determination. I always knew that when he was ready he would commit to the girl of his dreams that he would and that he would intend on honoring those vows. So, you see, I knew about the arrival of this day long before you and I ever had the pleasure of meeting. I want you to know that I want to be a good Mother-in-law to you. I want to support you along your life journey with Kristofer. I will do my very best not to interfere or give you unsolicited advice. I say do my best because knowing how my mind works when I get excited or how I really love to help other people, I may accidentally find myself handing out some advice without thinking. I apologize in advance. I don’t want you to …show more content…

A man who will respect you, give you affirmation, be considerate of your feelings, consider your opinions, apologize or forgive and who will keep asking you out on dates 30 years after your wedding, adore your unique ways, and leave no room for doubt about his loyalty to you. I want you to know that I did my best not to raise a Mama’s boy. Instead, I tried to raise a man who loves and respects his mom but knows that once he gets married, his wife will come first. I will never try to compete with you. I just want to be a part of your lives and any future children if or when you would want to have

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