Humorous Wedding Speech: Eulogy For A Father's Life

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I would personally like to thank each and every one you except my dad who has granted me only 5 minutes to cover the past 21 years of my life.

What a life I have lived so far. It has been filled with so many different memories and experiences – many of which would not of been possible without the incredible help of my parents. Just like any parent does – they didn’t want me to miss out on any opportunity that I was given, so they always made sure to make it happen. But at the same time my parents are 100% one of a kind parents. From the beginning they have always inspired me to give my absolute best in every single thing that I do and that with the right mind-set and attitude you can achieve anything. A quote that my dad, once told me years ago has stuck with me until this very day “Attitude is altitude” – which I feel only recently I have truly and fully understood …show more content…

You are someone who I will always look up to and aspire to be like. You have built your empire from nothing but a pile of sand – literally a pile of sand. That was the very beginning of your company, Wharfside that you built with our incredible Mum. You are always encouraging me to be the best that I can be. Thank you for always believing in …show more content…

I am still trying to comprehend the fact as to how exactly my then 18 (now 19) year old brother managed to accomplish what he has as soon as he left school. Bra I am so incredibly proud of you and what you have accomplished so early on in life. It takes balls to do what you have done and never mind the fact of all the incredibly difficult work that you are doing. I just have one more thing to ask – can you stop growing and getting so old!? I mean I feel like a ballie – so can you imagine how mum and dad feel? But in all seriousness – I am so extremely proud of you and all you’ve done and are doing. Keep it up

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