Humanitarian Crisis In Venezuela

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Humanitarian Crisis in Venezuela Under the administration of President Nicolás Maduro, Venezuela is experiencing a humanitarian crisis. The executive branch has gained too much power which has led to the gradual destruction of human rights. Since 2014, there has been an increasing shortage of food, supplies, and medicine throughout the country with little response from the government. The Venezuelan government is able to intimidate, censor and punish anyone who criticizes them. The government lacks separation of powers, and judicial independence, and the Venezuelan Supreme Court justifies the government’s abuse of power. The judicial process ignores the basic due process rights of the political prisoners. Maduro claims that the issues in Venezuela were caused by the economic war and drop in oil prices, but until recently, the Venezuelan government altogether denied that there is a crisis. There is undeniably a humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, and more needs to be done to help the country and its citizens recover. The Venezuelan government is destroying the rights of its citizens. The press is censored, and anyone who criticizes or protests against the government can be prosecuted. Citizens who are arrested for acting against the government are often abused, and the abusers do …show more content…

Some protest, but the protesters are often arrested and abused. Many Venezuelans have fled to Brazil seeking refuge, work, or medical care. Brazil tries desperately to meet the needs of the humanitarian crisis victims, but hospitals are struggling to accommodate the large number of Venezuelans on top of local patients. Other citizens demand change within the country. These Venezuelans demand that the government allow aid to come into the country, hold elections, free political prisoners, and redefine judicial independence. Although the people are pushing for change, their efforts have been ineffective to this

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