Human Trafficking: Article Analysis

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"International Efforts by Police Leadership to Combat Human Trafficking." FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, June2016, p.1.EBSCOhost, Indianapolis.libproxy
This article discusses efforts of the Police departments to combat issues of human trafficking. It mentions emergence of transnational organized crime (TOC) to engage in human trafficking as a trend attributable to notion of women and children. It also highlights need for international communication and international cooperation to combat human trafficking. The article mentions that combating human trafficking requires ongoing international communication and cooperation among law enforcement leaders. This will help limit the ability of traffickers to operate freely and prevent prospective victims …show more content…

The objective was to investigate physical and mental health and experiences of violence among male and female trafficking survivors in a high-income country. In other to do this, data were derived from a cross-sectional survey of 150 men and women in England who were in contact with post trafficking support services. Interviews took place over 18 months, from June 2013 to December 2014. Participants had been trafficked for sexual exploitation (29%), domestic servitude (29.3%), and labor exploitation (40.4%). Sixty-six percent of women reported forced sex during trafficking, including 95% of those trafficked for sexual exploitation and 54% of those trafficked for domestic servitude. Twenty-one percent of men and 24% of women reported ongoing injuries, and 8% of men and 23% of women reported diagnosed sexually transmitted infections. Finally, 78% of women and 40% of men reported elevated levels of depression, anxiety, or posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. Psychological interventions to support the recovery of this highly vulnerable population are urgently

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