Human Nature In The Tell-Tale Heart

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Max Brookes once wrote “Most people don't believe something can happen until it already has. That's not stupidity or weakness, that's just human nature.” Human nature is the common impulse that everyone has for doing something. Fiction-writing authors take human nature and attempt to link the character’s emotions to the reader. They craft a story where the readers can connect with the character’s emotion. An author gives their characters an emotion in a particular situation that the readers can relate to, thus revealing truths on human nature.

The characters in a story have nonverbal actions that the readers can relate to. For example, the main character in “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe is a mentally insane man who is planning …show more content…

The main character in “Suitcases and Snowglobes” by Lara Ferrari is suffering from a recent breakup, so she attempts to drown all her sorrows in food and walks over to the cupboard only to discover that “[he had eaten] all the marshmallows [and left] an empty bag in the cupboard, [without replacing] it” (Ferrari 1). Readers can relate to how the narrator is feeling at this point. It is human nature to get angry when the work isn’t done for you in certain situations. Furthermore, Ferrari uses this thought to illustrate that the relationship between the protagonist and her ex-boyfriend is one of dislike. She effectively shows the readers that enemies can easily anger, even if they did some insignificant action. Moreover, in “The Possibility of Evil” by Shirley Jackson, as Miss Strangeworth walks into the grocery, “half a dozen people turned away from the shelves and the counters to wave at her or call out good morning” (Jackson 1). The readers can identify at least one person who is so greatly respected that everyone greets them. It is human nature to greet someone who is seen as highly regarded. Additionally, Jackson makes Miss Strangeworth have great relationships with her peers so that the readers can make connections to someone in their life that is as highly regarded as her. Authors effectively show their readers an aspect of human nature that is based on what a character thinks about another one. In this way, they have the reader feel that same emotion and can get even more into the

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