Human Nature In Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

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Imagine walking into a restaurant; you sit down to enjoy some tasty food, but what you don't know is that your waiter has had a sudden urge to hurt someone. He doesn't want to hurt you with a punch or a gun, but he had an idea to poison you. This could have been from his dark side it just came out with no warning. Golding and Dickinson both show how the treat, and how they have similar views on the dark side of human nature similarly, and differently by using point of view, symbols, and character transformation. The first way that Golding and Dickinson show how they treat the dark side of human nature is with the point of view they use. Golding starts his book in a third person point of view which makes you see how they are all acting, and how you can tell the boys dark side comes out. With the point of view at third you can see how everyone is changing not just one character, but it is hard to relate too. In Dickinson’s poem she uses first to start out. When she uses first i feel like i can relate to in more, and i can see how someone could overcome all obstacles. Towards the end of her …show more content…

They are both showing how there is evil there but always that little spark of hope at the end. In the book Lord of The Flies, Golding uses fire as an example of hope. The boys that believe that there is still a chance of hope keep the fire going as a signal fire. Dickinson uses the lamp as her sign of hope to get her through her evil. They both have that hope, but there has to be evil to be hope. The evil for the boys in Golding’s book was the pig head. The pig head was telling them they cant do this the need to become savages just like jack, but with that spark of hope that some of the boys have the decide that they can fight through it till they get rescued. Just like in Dickinson’s poem she has the hope that only the brave can get through the darkness with that hope, and the

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