How To Write An Essay On The Call Of The Wild

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The book Call of the Wild was an awesome book. Not only did we read the book, we watched a movie that was slightly different but it still caught me up on a lot I didn’t understand. The best part in the book to me was when Buck found John Thornton, but with a good book there has to be a not so good part, and that would be when John Thornton died. Not only did I want to cry I wanted to scream! Buck was one kind of a dog; he was taken from where he did nothing, to where he now did just about everything. Buck wasn’t just changed, he was created all over again. He’s the strongest dog that i’ve ever seen/heard about. Do you remember how i was talking about the best parts and the not so good parts, well there's not just one in this book there's several.I just pulled out my favorite ones. I want to talk about the other worst parts and the other best parts. My second worst part i thought was when Buck was first bought, he had to listen and obey, and when Buck didn’t listen or obey, he was beat. Over all i have my three favorite chapters, chapter 6, chapter 7, and chapter 4. I’m only talking about my number one favorite and that would be chapter 6. In chapter 6 something tragic happens, can you guess what happens? It’s the chapter Buck and John meet. …show more content…

The three partners were lining along and narrow poling-boat down a bad stretch of rapids on the Forty-MIle Creek and at a particularly bad spot, where a ledge of barely submerged rocks jutted out into the river Thornton poled the boat out into the stream, ran down the bank with the end in his hand to the snub boat when it had cleared the ledge. Chapter 7 goes right along with chapter 6 so, now Buck is finally with John for good. John looks out for Buck, while Buck looks out for John. Buck is happier and a lot more healthier and before John died he was a lot happier to know that Buck was beside him when he needed him and died happy knowing that Buck was happy and knew that this was his home

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