How To Write A Narrative Essay About Fishing

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It all started with a turtle. Independence Day weekend was just ahead when Mike and I went on a trip to New York with his family. The weather was calm and cool, and the wind blew steadily through-out the trip. We stayed in Mike’s uncle’s home and I was really looking forward to the adventurous things we had planed. One of the first things we did when we arrived at his home was fish. I never pictured fishing as being the world’s most emotional sport. There was about six different kind of emotion you can get while fishing; excitement, hope, anger, sorrow, joy and disappointment. Since it was my first time fishing I never knew how catching a fish could be fun. In the first twenty minutes three people already caught fish, and all I caught was a …show more content…

I was standing for over seven hours and my legs could not take it any longer. Luckily I decided to cast one more line out. As I was reeling my line back in, the pole started to bend so I knew I caught something. I was experiencing the second emotion of hope. I kept pulling and reeling the rod as fast as I could. A turtle flung out the water and shot into the air. Out of all the fish in the lake I ended up being the first to catch a turtle. Fishing was not an easy task; I finally put my pole down and wanted to do something more adventurous. Mike and I decided to do something very irresponsible. We went hiking into the woods during the late hours of the night. We had to bring a couple of things with us like food, water, sleeping bags and of course a pellet gun, just in case. We started hiking into the woods as we got deeper we saw and heard different things. Bird’s squawking, bugs buzzing and even wolfs howling were some of the sounds we head that night. We continued walking deeper into the woods until we found a flat place to set up our sleeping bags for the night. After we ate our delicious cliff bars and water, we started a

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