Gone Fishing

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Gone Fishing

It must have been 4 feet long and must have weighed at least 30 lbs. It was one

of the slimiest ones we ever caught. The tentacles were almost a foot long and

the scales where the size of quarters.@ AYeah right, we believe you, (Paste

your name here).@ While my peers were playing video games or hide-and-go-seek,

(a friends name) and I were out ether exploring the unknown, or sleeping from

staying out all night. None of the students in my sixth grade class Ashow and

tell@ believed me when I told them about the unforgettable experiences (a

friends name) and I endeavored. To tell the truth, I didnt really want them to

believe me. If one of them told my mom what (a friends name) and I did then our

little butts would have been grounded for a serious amount of time. The fishing

stories that I told where true, all true.

(a friends name) and I had gone on many explorations to far off places. We had

sneaking out at night down to such an art that if we could put it on paper then

it would be more famous then Leonardo da Vinci's painting, The Last Supper. We

would sometimes make dummy bodies that would lie lifeless all night under

tightly nitid sheets. The Abig yellow house@ is where we met. From there we

would do whatever sounded like the most fun. Sometimes it was hanging out and

eating ice cream all night. Other times we would go tick someone off by tee-

peeing their house. And yes, there were even times when we would go fishing at

this lake that was out in the middle of nowhere. We called this lake the back-

lake because it was the lake way in the back of the golf course. One night (a

friends name) and I had an experience there that would shake us up for a long

time to come.

The night started out like a lot of other nights. First we went to go eat some

ice-cream from Foster-Freeze, then we would get on our bicycles and pedal our

little butts all the way to the golf course. Once there, we would get on this

road that golf carts use to drive around. The road was very windy. When we

arrived we would just throw our bikes down and run like little rabbits down to

the lake. We would start casting as fast as we could. We would cast so fast

that I don't think we remembered to put bait on the hook.

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