How To Read Novels Like A Professor Summary

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The first chapter of How to Read Novels like a Professor is called “ Pickup Lines and Open(ing) Seductions”. This chapter is about how imperative it is that the opening pages of the novel are persuasive. If the beginning of the novel does not entice the reader then they will not continue investing their time and energy into it. Even the very first line of a novel plays a major role in seducing the reader. The opening line is like a hook, it invites the reader in and gives them foresight on what is to come in the future. This chapter is also about how the first page of a novel can tell the reader everything they need to know to read it. The author does this by including the style, tone, mood, diction, point of view, narrative presence, narrative attitude, time frame, time …show more content…

This chapter talks about the stream of consciousness and why it its important. A stream of consciousness is a literary style that is used when an author wants to describe a characters thoughts and feelings in a continuous flow. The first time it was used was by Edouard Dujardin in an interior monologue, which is an unspoken monologue. Stream of consciousness is important because its techniques have inspired other novelists. It also gave writers an understanding of the mind that no other technique had ever done before. Without stream of consciousness narratives would be unoriginal, and simple.
Chapter 15 of How to Read Novels like a Professor is called “ Fiction about Fiction”. This chapter talks about metafiction. Metafiction is fiction that describes a work of fiction. Other novels inspire all novelists and novels. This is very similar to metafiction novels. Metafiction novels can be rewrites of classics or reusing earlier forms. Metafiction novels are important because they are fresh, new, and fun. Metafiction teaches the reader about the nature of fiction and what to expect from

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