How To Prevent Hospital Errors Essay

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In saying 1.5 million Americans have witnessed hospital errors in the care of the medical center or even 40,000-100,000 deaths is a ridiculous amount of faults. Errors should be minimized, especially when dealing with people’s lives. The number of deaths is so high hospitals should take notice and really pinpoint where their facility is miscalculating and create in-service training to all employees and not just the ones that are making the errors but all employees. This will decrease the chances of errors made in the hospital. With continuous training every month there can be a huge change in the number of mistakes. The fact that these inaccuracies are even causing deaths really highlight the importance of the need for a change. Families …show more content…

That is so simple in order to prevent any miscalculation. This is totally unacceptable when everyone expects the medical doctors, nurses, and RNA’s to be experts in their field of practice. The fact that physicians or other health care providers are not washing their hands as often to prevent infection is pure laziness. You learn that hand hygiene is important even when you are a young child and if you have went to medical or nursing school your instructors definitely highlight hand hygiene because of this very reason. Hand washing is fundamental and should not be taken for granted when involving a patient’s care. If the issue of overcrowding appears then that as an issue of the person who schedules procedures and appointments and that they should check their records for appointment before scheduling anyone for services. Now if it’s the case of emergency rooms or admitting some for an illness on spot and there are not available beds or operating rooms I’m sorry but I feel that the doctor should refer the patient to another hospital. I’m sure the physician or facility doesn’t want to give up that money but the main goal is to ensure that the patient gets the care that he or she needs and will gain health and if the facility they

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