How To Pass Basketball

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In the method part, the article talks about the experiment done. In total 228 observers participated in this experiment most of them volunteered. This experiment needed a very specific material. Four videotapes were created (75s each) each tape showed two teams of three players, one team wearing white shirts and the other one wearing black shirts, who moved around in a relatively random fashion in an open area. The members of each team passed a basketball to one another following a specific order: one to two, two to three and three to one. After 44s of passing, ont of two unexpected events occured for five seconds : • A women with an umbrella walked across the room • A person wearing a gorilla suit crossed the room form left to right. These tapes were two types : Transparent condition, the white team, black team, and unexpected event were all filmed separately, and the three video streams were rendered partially transparent and then superimposed by using digital video-editing software. Opaque condition, all seven actors were filmed simultaneously and could thus occlude one another and the basketballs; this required some rehearsal to eliminate collisions and other accidents, and to achieve natural-looking patterns of movement. …show more content…

Before viewing the videotape, observers were told that they would be watching two teams of three players passing basketballs and that they should pay attention to one of them (either the White or the black team). They were told that they should keep a count of the total number of passes made by one of the teams (the Easy condition) or count of the number of bounce passes and aerial passes (the Hard condition). Thus, for each of the four displays, there were four task conditions : White/Easy, White/Hard, Black/Easy, and Black/Hard for a total of sixteen conditions. Each observer participated in only one

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