How To Keep Sports In Schools

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Sports In Schools Can sports really be taken away at schools? A lot of schools are debating whether or not to keep sports programs in them. Sports are activities beloved by millions of kids. School sports programs need to stay in schools giving kids in the U.S health benefits, equal opportunities, and for some successful lifestyles. Since many youth today have such a big problem maintaining their health that is just one great reason to keep sports in schools. Kids playing sports can lose unwanted weight and can stay healthier in general. Being physically active can contribute to a happier, healthier lifestyle. Also, in the article Yes! It’s Time to Scale Back written by Amanda Ripley it states that physically active kids score higher on tests, focus more, and solve problems better. Therefore, being active and playing sports as a young person can be a very good thing. Another reason why schools need to keep sports is to give equal opportunities. Discontinuing sports in schools may not give less fortunate kids that love sports even …show more content…

Losing sports in schools can strip some kids of ever becoming stars. There may be an amazing basketball player out in the world that would never have the chance to show what he or she can do becuase of schools taking out sports programs. Take Shaquille O'Neal for example, he is a basketball superstar. In the article The Cost Of Winning by Ellen Labrecque it tells how Shaq has led his team to four National Basketball Association championships, racked up many Most Valuable Player awards, and is a fourteen time NBA all star. Shaq is a very successful man, but he would have none of that if sports were taken away from him at a young age. All the practice and hard work Shaq put into the game of basketball would never have been possible without sports being in schools. Thus, keeping sports in schools help kids develop skills in sports that can lead to amazing

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