How To Improve My Writing Style

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In academic writing I am able to avoid ugly English words and complex phrases, demonstrated by my proper use of vocabulary words and simple phrases feedback from writing websites. “The language both confuses the reader, and lacks power and energy” (Grellier & Goerke, 2014, p.169).

Despite having satisfactory oral and written language skills, I am keeping my language too simple and not directed at the subject topic. I add unnecessary redundant words and phrases to my writing that add nothing to the overall meaning (Dictionary, 2015). Finally, both the KISS principle and After the Deadline website identified undetermined differences between active and passive voices in complex sentences. This may branch from a poor technical understanding …show more content…

I tend to use informal language within my writing, not at a formal level. I use colloquial vocabulary words and phrases such as ‘dodgy’ or ‘go hand in hand’. Lastly, I need to improve my use of informative adjectives. Words like bad, difficult, and physically are common in my writing.

An element that I do well is write simple sentences. I write simple sentences containing a single subject and verb. The subject can be a noun - person or place, the verb is an action or doing word. Grammar is a weakness for me when writing academically. This is evident as my assessment academic writing marks are never perfect. Grammar improvement is needed to aid the communication of my ideas and understandings of topics.

I am familiar with and can use the majority of the punctuation principles: apostrophes, colons, exclamation marks, questions marks, full-stops, and commas.
My punctuation is sound, however using semicolons (;) and dashes (-) are complicated for me. It is complicated for me to determine when to correctly use them within sentence structure. I am unfamiliar with what dashes do in academic writing, so I will research websites and read page.195 of the ‘Communications Toolkit’

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