How To Have A Few Additional Dollars This Winter Gift Essay

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Been Gifted With a Few Additional Pounds This Winter?

If only we could actually melt the pounds away like a snowman, life would be fantastic.

Have you been gifted with a few additional pounds this winter? It's a typical event around this time of the year. If I've heard it once, I've heard it a thousand times. It's the veritable ending to a festive holiday season when everyone embellishes their tables with delicious looking meals, which are loaded with tempting carbohydrates, mounds of sugar and fatty oils. At the same time, we can't blame it exclusively on the holidays. It's just that time of year when people find it hard to resist the charms of Old Man Winter especially if they live in regions that are extremely cold. At …show more content…

Check this list out to see if you can relate to any one of the motives for gaining a few pounds or a lot of weight.
The top reason for winter weight gain is that we stop working out. We are not as active during the fall and winter as we are during the spring and summer months. It's cold outside and getting out in the snow doesn't appeal to everyone.

Fresh vegetables are hard to come by in the winter time, plus they taste differently. Ever notice this?

Our eating habits change because of the seasons. The farmer's markets are closed so shopping for fresh fruits and vegetables can be a challenge. Rather than eat what's left of the harvest, shoppers choose ready-made meals and fast foods.
Comfort foods sure do make us feel good, but only for a little while. What's in these comfort foods we love so much? Carbs... lots and lots of carbohydrates. With the release of serotonin in our bodies, we feel better emotionally, but not so much when we realize we have gained more weight. It's what I like to call the trick of the …show more content…

Here are those tips:

Don't stop working out in the winter... just change where and how you get it done. With YouTube videos and store bought DVDs or rentals, health conscious individuals are able to continue their cardio workouts without heavy equipment at home.
Use some of your time at home to plan and prepare your meals in advance. Take the guesswork out of your daily meals and stay away from red flashing lights. I can guarantee you it's not Rudolph hovering over Krispy Kreme's rooftop.
There's nothing like a good stiff drink when you come home from a long day at work. On the other hand, you'll find more opportunities to party during the holidays than ever and that means more liquor. That maybe awesome news for the party animal, but not for the people who are watching their waistlines. With that in mind, watch your caffeine intake and carbonated drinks as well. Not only do they not mix well with liquor, they are high in calories, too.
Overall, the best advice when it comes to winter weight gain is to just say 'No, thank you.'


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