How To Annotate In The Odyssey

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The assignment that we were to do was to annotate The Odyssey of Homer. The instructions for the assignment were to mark and define words that were unfamiliar to you, ask questions on the front page of each new book and answer those with quoted evidence throughout the entirety of the chapter. We were also told to use our study guides to focus our annotations and write bulleted summaries at the end of each chapter to help with further understanding and comprehending it. We were to mark the text for things like invocation to the gods, epithets, epic digressions, and epic similes. Other things we were told to mark for were, xenia, father-son relationships, honor/glory, pride/hubris, loyalty, justice/vengeance, cunning/deceit, and family. With all of these things we had to identify we also needed to be critical and go in depth while explaining them. The overall purpose of this assignment was to further …show more content…

In the beginning of this assignment I started off with little knowledge of how to properly annotate. In Eighth grade the English class I was in would annotate short stories a lot and sometimes even poems but in the long run we never actually annotated a whole book and often times we would annotate the pages together as a class. When we started the book I was not very good and often took much longer than I actually needed to on chapters. The process that I went through to get the results I wanted was reading the chapter’s first then going back annotating based on a color key that I made in the beginning of the epic. Some problems I had included, getting tired of annotating and just giving up, not going in depth or being critical at all, straying away from

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