How The Old Frayed Lace Shoes

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The old, leather shoe lays dirty and forlorn in the back closet. Among its more appealing neighbors, the oxfords and loafers, it’s tattered and scuffed surface seems all the more striking. The frayed laces try to unite its distressed eyelets, but it’s helpless. The thin and worn under-sole clings desperately to the shoe's bottom like a climber's last grip on a rugged mountain cliff. In its day, long before it was shoved to the back in favor of more glamorous replacements, this shoe saw and felt it all; from dancing Bachata to running through the concrete streets of New York City. Despite its present-day humiliation, its memories remain vivid in its “sole”. When I lace these brown leather shoes, a surge of fulfillment rushes me. The once slick,

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