How Tasty Was My Little Frenchman Essay

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In module 11, postmodernism was defined to “call attention to the storytelling process, but through a high incidence of quotation, appropriation, borrowing, homage, copying and recycling”. Additionally, postmodernism involves making references to contemporary culture and everything tends to be built from fragments of other things. It is involves mixture of high and low culture references. Furthermore, it tends to show “the world as imaginary, and reality as a construction” (module 11). Woody Allen’s Annie Hall and Nelson Pereira do Santos’s How Tasty Was My Little Frenchman are classic examples of postmodern film with unique characteristics. Annie Hall has a very unique beginning to the movie. Woody Allen, dressed in his stand up comedy clothing, …show more content…

The letter written by Admiral Villegaignon says, “The country is a barren desert. There are no houses, nor any other commodities. The natives are barbarous savages, different from us, without any religion, or any knowledge of honesty or virtue, or what is right and unjust. They are beasts with human faces”. This is in disagreement with the things seen in the movie. In fact, we see that the natives are generously giving food to the French settlers. Do Santos specifically highlights these difference because he wants to convey that history could be written in an extremely biased manner. For example: In module 12 lecture, we discussed about Hans Staden’s expedition to Brazil. He spent many years as a Brazilian captive, where he observed their culture in extensive detail. After his escape he writes a first person account Brazil: The True History of the Wild, Naked, Fierce, Man-Eating people. These narratives are highly priced in European culture because the authored had spent so many of their with the natives. In order to sell their, the authors could have manipulated the actual lifestyle and story. As a result, history ends up being written in a one sided

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