Nonviolent Resistance Dbq

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Gandhi, King, and Mandela, all of them achieved peace through a new tactic that nobody believed would work. However, it did in fact work and that tactic is known as nonviolent resistance. Although many believed that nonviolence would never work, it worked due to nonviolence showing the conviction of the protestors, it painting the aggressors in a bad light, and it gained a massive amount of support from a lot of people. Nonviolent resistance shows the world conviction to your cause and tells them that you are serious about your cause and you are willing to endure a world of pain to get your point of across. Nonviolence takes much discipline to endure all the pain and abuse without resisting or fighting back unprovoked (document 6). The document …show more content…

Attacking an enemy that does not have a weapon or fight back has been a shame for thousands of years. It is believed to be something an honorable person would not do. So, nonviolence is putting the aggressors in a bad position because they are attacking the protestors even if the protestors do not have any intent to defend themselves or fight back. One example of them being put in a bad position is the march towards the Dharasana salt works. Many Africans marched toward the salt works and stopped at the gate. The police then went in and attacked the men ruthlessly. The marchers, however, stood their ground and did not even raise an arm to block the attacks. They kept marching until struck down (document 4). This paints the police in a bad light in the eyes of everyone. Since it is showing how brutal the police is, it makes people wonder if they should still support the government. Another example is when Martin Luther King took part in a sit-in at Rich’s department store in Atlanta, Georgia. They sat there and took abuse from many people who thought that Africans were inferior to white people. They endured abuse for their cause of racial equality for all (document 2). It shows white people in a bad light. While King and his supporters are sitting there doing no harm to the people, white people are harassing him and trying to make him lose hope and give up. Sometimes, you have no other choice but to use …show more content…

Nonviolence gathers a huge crowd and that is important. If history is looked back upon, large groups of people who want something usually start some revolution. Examples of this in history would be the French revolution, The USSR proletariat revolution, and the Chinese communist revolution. They all showed of a huge crowd of people who wanted something. An example of a large group of people being rallied is when Gandhi wrote a letter to Lord Irwin, Governor of India and led people to the sea to make salt, since salt was heavily taxed by the British in India (document 1). Gandhi led hundreds if not thousands of people with him, and that is a lot of people in one march. It shows that nonviolence creates a huge group of people who are united for the same cause. Another example of this is in Montgomery, Alabama when people went to the sheriff’s office to see if they have been arrested (document 8). This shows that a huge amount of people have been gathered and are convicted in their cause and are willing to go to jail proudly for it. That is powerful and will cause change. Hundreds of people responded to the cause and wanted to join the nonviolent army that would lead the change for racial equality (document 5). Even though people are nonviolent in their protests, the government views it as something different. They believe that there is a chance for a violent uprising, so they will give in and that’s why

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