How Should Religion Be Taught In Schools

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Religion, it is a part of our everyday lives, whether we’re atheist or Islamic, and yet, it is avoided in schools, and even places like the dinner table. Religion should be taught to all children in school, because it will inform them about all world religions. In schools, children are taught about the people of a certain region, and their history, but their religion is avoided. One of the reasons why religion should be taught to children is because they benefit from religious education. It would not only explore different faiths, religions and cultures, but also many different ways of thinking. Teaching that should increase a child’s tolerance and respect towards other cultures, ethnicities, and ways of thinking. Which in today’s world, religious …show more content…

For example, if you are of an Islamic faith, you are required to pray a certain amount of times per day at certain times during a day, or if you are Christian, you are required to go to church every Sunday. If children were taught that, they would not question why people do that, they would respect that people are required to do that and move on. Children here things everyday about religion and how terrible this certain religion is from people at home or even teachers. In elementary school, my Spanish teacher taught me that Mormonism is a terrible religion, and that I shouldn’t be friends with a Mormon. Her being my teacher, I believed her, and it wasn’t until High School that I was told differently. If there was religious education in schools, children could be taught about different religions.
The reason why it isn’t taught in schools today is because many people believe that if the children start thinking a different way than they were raised, their parents will blame the schools. Which the schools obviously don’t want to happen. But, if children were taught to love every religion and person within those religions, Parents blaming the schools would happen less because that usually isn’t going against how they were

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