How Shakespeare Portrays Madness in Hamlet

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How Shakespeare Portrays Madness in Hamlet

Many questions have been raised about Hamlets madness. Whether it was

an act, or that his father’s death and his ghost genuinely drove him

to the brink of madness. Along side with Hamlet, further on in the

play Polonius’s death brought Ophelia and the audiences to question

her own sanity as well. Although Hamlets madness and Ophelia’s are

caused by the same thing, the death of their father, they both have

very different consequences to their new found personality change.

Hamlets madness itself was represented as an act, from an audience’s

point of view we know his anti disposition is an act, but this piece

of dramatic irony brings a lot of despair for the rest of the


I’m going explore how Shakespeare portrays madness in the play ,

looking in depth to causes, consequences, actions, language,

similarities, and differences or Ophelia’s and hamlets madness.

The death of King Hamlet left a lot of considerable damage on Hamlet.

In act one scene two as the King and Queen celebrate their wedding,

and Hamlet is still mourning his father’s death. “How is it that the

clouds still hang on you?”

“Not so my lord, I am too much in the sun” It’s his own strong belief

that the Queen did not mourn enough for her husband, and her ‘oh hasty

marriage’ was brought on too quick. This conjures negative emotions in

Hamlet, for which uses to build a barrier between them. The distant

relationship that Hamlet seems to have with the King and Queen makes

it easier for them to pin point his madness on what they think the

roots are.

Hamlets madness is without a doubt not genuine in the beginning ...

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Hamlet was the true cause of Ophelia’s madness, without his

selfishness his true love wouldn’t be enduring such agony. She too

loved her father and surely Hamlet of all people knows what it is like

to have a loved ones life taken away from them through cold hearted

murder. I think there are a lot of negative points about both

Ophelia’s and hamlets madness, but hamlets was more of an act to prove

his disapproval of Claudius’s air to the throne . If Hamlet was truly

scared of committing suicide and the consequences that are withheld

for it in the after life, Should Hamlet not also worries about the

punishment on numerous cold blooded murders? Also Laertes’s madness is

driven by Hamlets careless actions; he subconsciously kills a whole

family when all he wanted to do himself was seek revenge for King


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