How Is Transcendentalism Beneficial To Society

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Based on what we have read so far in class, Transcendentalist thinking should be encouraged for the benefit of society. Transcendentalism is about going beyond the limitations of society, may they be physical or abstract. Thus, if people are unable to go beyond these constraints, then they are also unable to make advancements in fields unrecognised by society. Transcendentalist thinking may not be widely accepted due to its radical past and previous influences upon the United States. Due to their harsh rejection of the American system, Transcendentalist thinkers often turned to socialism, communism, and even anarchism, all of which are deplored by the US and are widely seen as beneficial for society. The concept of equality, which is often seen in socialism, communism, and anarchism, is voiced with,
“The joyful loyalty with which men have everywhere suffered the king, the noble, or the great proprietor to walk among them by the law of his own… was the hieroglyphic by which they obscurely signified their consciousness of their own right and comeliness, the right of every man.” …show more content…

This concept is introduced through the comparison of kings, nobles, and proprietors to normal people because to Emerson, they are all equal in nature. This statement may have been linked to socialism, communism, and anarchism, but this is shrouded due to the fact that Transcendentalism had the most influence through its many beneficial liberal (leftist) movements, such as the abolition movement and the women’s suffrage movement, which Transcendentalist thinkers, such as Henry David Thoreau and Margaret Fuller, had a monumental part in. Hence, without this ideology, society likely would not be as

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