Chris McCandless: A True Transcendentalist

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There have been many minor transcendentalists in today’s society. Martin Luther King Jr. is a prime example. He was a non-conformist.Individuals around the world still continue to look up to Martin Luther King Jr. and really admire him for this. Another transcendentalist is a man named Christopher McCandless. Chris McCandless is admirable like other transcendentalists because he was a non-conformist, fought to overcome the hardships of life, and accepted his fate which proves that he was a modern day transcendentalist.
Society’s norms change generation by generation. Every once and a while, someone will break the rules of society. Sifting through history, there are outcasts and rebels that went against what society thought was the right thing to do. Jesus Christ is among the most famous rebels in society. His rebellion against the religious establishment at Jerusalem created a large following of Christians after his resurrection that threatened Judaism. Christianity spread throughout all countries of the world. Jesus Christ was not the only non-conformist in history. On October 2, 1869 another great rebel was born. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, more commonly known as Mahatma Gandhi, was raised in Porbandar, India. Gandhi studied law in London, England but traveled to South Africa in 1893. Here, he spent twenty years opposing discriminatory legislation against Indians. Returning to India in 1914, Gandhi remained to follow his civil disobedience campaign. Even after his death, Gandhi’s commitment to nonviolence is living. The next famous rebel in history, became one of the world’s most influential men to ever live. Martin Luther King Jr. was an African American non-conformist during the civil rights era. King led one of the most suc...

... middle of paper ... He wanted them to strive for excellence like himself. McCandless wanted the best for everyone. This started to bring out the transcendentalist that was boiling inside of him. He knew he had to get out and achieve his goal in life, and that is exactly what he did. Christopher McCandless is admirable for not only trying to help other achieve their absolute highest potential, but for also self-actualizing himself in the process.

Works Cited

“Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.” 2014. The website. Apr 18 2014 “Martin Luther King Jr - Biographical”. Nobel Media AB 2013. Web. 23 April
Read, Adam. “Christopher McCandlessaka Alexander Supertram.” Chris McCandless Now I Walk Into
The Wild. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 April 2014.
Krakauer, Jon. Into The Wild. New York: Anchor, 1997. Print.

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