How Is Napoleon Effective

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Introduction In this investigation I will be investigating Napoleon administration rather than his military tactics and strategy which he so famous was for. The question that will be researching will show Napoleon as a general but a governor. The question will be how was his policy makings and who did it affect, did the civil code have any effect on the army? And how did he dealt with his conquered nations. Main Body Napoleon is remembered as a great military commander but his tactics was no unknown there were many military theorist but Napoleon refined it but you must understand that he was an effective administrator because of his reforms like introduction the merit system back into the French system. During the napoleon era the rest of Europe was still using the feudal system with means everything from job, income, house, in the army was all …show more content…

It made all people equal before the law regardless of whether someone was of royal blood or a peasant. Napoleon created the Grande Armée, which was made up of French citizens. French soldiers marching and fighting across Europe, spreading the ideas of the revolution. Life under Napoleon’s regime was far better than people had under various other regimes. In Napoleonic influenced areas people were citizens no subjects. The people had some power over who was elected to government positions. There are two reason why Napoleon couldn’t keep the old system first was that means the revolution would have been a failure which might have led to another revolution. So if he kept the old system with the old nobles in power then Napoleon would have faced more rebellions in his time as ruler. The second reason is that financially he could have maintained the army but it would not have been the same because with the civil code the commanders of the army could come from non-noble birth with this the commanders and generals were based on skill and

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