How Is Macbeth Brave

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In the play “Macbeth” we learn of all Macbeth’s good qualities and of all his weak traits. He is brave, kind, ambitious, and he is imaginative. Many of these characteristics do not end in good outcomes, but there are some that help him survive. Yet, his imagination is not a strong asset for him in any kind of way. Unfortunately, Macbeth’s imagination is used for evil and only causes destruction.

“For brave Macbeth – well he deserves that name-“ Macbeth proved to be very brave throughout the play. He faced his own fears, as long with many others. At the beginning he was portrayed to be a very heroic and brave man. Saving Duncan, bravely standing up in battle, and killing with no hesitation. There were times that his Wife urged him to push his limits. Even when not doing the right thing and getting pushed out of his comfort zone, he stood strong and brave. If his manhood be questioned, he would do whatever, to prove that he was the toughest and the most brave. This I'm sure,was a great characteristic to own. To walk proudly, knowing that you can do what needs to be done with the brave self confidence you posses. It didn’t seem to lead Macbeth to anything with a negative outcome, instead a very positive outcome came out of his braveness. …show more content…

When it came down to it, it was weak and vulnerable to be kind. Especially for Macbeth, to be in such a high place in ranking and generous would be seen as foolish. Yet, he is so kind that his wife will eventually come to question his manhood. Kindness, a great thing today was not so great back then. I think that if this had any influence at all it was probably not a positive one. For the time and for the situations he got himself into, kindness did not do him well, only drove him deeper into his

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