How I Came To Love The Veil

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Men surely aren’t born racist. They aren’t programmed to discriminate or to uphold intransigent values their whole life. Quite contrary to that notion, infants are wholly open-minded creatures that obtain information through no filters and are collectively the most impartial group of society. So how does a young child become a biased, ignorant and Islamophobic adult? The better question is what gives them the right to diminish someone’s social standing because of something as uncontrollable yet innocuous as skin color or ethnicity. Elected European President of the International Muslim Women’s Union, as of 2010, and award winning film-maker, as well as an accomplished writer, Yvonne Ridley in, “ How I came to love the veil” reveals the blatant …show more content…

If this is what westerners base their women’s superiority on, then they’ve got major bridges to cross, called integrity, character, and piety. By reading the Koran, Radley discovered that what “Western feminists fought for in the 1970’s was available to Muslim women 1’400 years ago.” Not only were women equal to men in “spirituality, education, and worth” but they were also held in high regard because of their “childbirth and child-rearing” attributes. There is an actual vastness at how different Muslim and Western women perceive freedom and how they go about achieving it. Westerners seem to think that because their religion forbids them from “binge drinking, casual sex, and drug use,” Muslim women are somehow missing out on the real meaning of freedom. If true freedom is abusing one’s body, then how is keeping it pure, ulcer-free and mentally stable the opposite? Radley later complies with this statement when she asks, “ What is more liberating: being judged on the length of your skirt and the size of your surgically enhanced breasts, or being judged on your character and intelligence?” It’s arguable to say that although most Muslim countries hold their women to a traditional standard of education, their Western counterparts are simultaneously enslaved by the social norm called sexualization– Branding their women as “mature, sexy and approachable.” Speaking of …show more content…

When in reality, women who seem the most covered and self-reserved are snagging all the good men in the world. How shocking, yet, revealing must it be to realize that what Westerners consider “liberated women” would find it much more difficult to find a respectable and well-off

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