How Harmful Are Photoshopped Images Of Models?

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Does one feel self conscious looking at photoshopped images of models? Do photoshopped images make one feel bad about themselves? These models could be a perfectly healthy size 8, but you would never know that because the tools used for photoshopping make them look almost anorexic. According to “Why Photoshop is More Deadly Than We Thought,” depression and eating disorders are directly linked to how women are portrayed in the media. Photoshop is actually incredibly damaging, and does lead to very real, and negative consequences. Looking at pictures of models or actresses show that these women have flawless skin and flawless bodies. But the reality is these images have been photoshopped to look the way they do. Some people do not even realize that some of the images they see are 100% FAKE! As stated by, “How Can You Take Photoshop Lightly.” In the past two weeks many men and women have witnessed numerous brands digitally shrinking women’s waist, slimming down upper arms, and enhancing inner thighs. How is that fair to everybody else around the world? Some other women would like to look these models they see. Many women completely block out the fact that these images are fake and there is no truth behind them. …show more content…

Photoshop is simply used to take away the flaws of men and women such as wrinkles, cellulite, pimples, and any extra body weight. Using these programs to this extent is completely unacceptable, and the influence is obviously starting to take a toll on people’s mental and physical health. If one were to take a walk around the city you would see the images of these perfectly fit women posted up all over. Most people would just keep on with their day and ignore all of the images, but there are some individuals who don’t ignore them and might take 20 minutes just dreaming of the day when they would look like

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