How Football Has Changed My Life

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I transferred from Mason City to Clear Lake school halfway through my 8th grade year. It was one of the best things that ever happened to me. The transfer has changed me for the better in so many ways. One of the things I was super excited about at Clear Lake was to play football. I played football in Mason City too but there is no comparison between the person and athlete that I was in Mason City to where I am now. I became so much more disciplined during my freshman football year as a Lion. Weight lifting is a requirement not an option if I want to play football in Clear Lake. It took me awhile to get used to getting up before 5:00 a.m. and being out the door by 5:30 to make it to school before 6:00. When I went to school in Mason City, I didn’t care about being early or even getting to school on time. I really learned something different being a Lion. One morning during the summer I got to football practice at 6:29. Practice started at 6:30. The whole team was already on the practice field. I remember the whole team running into the locker room telling me to hurry up! I was so embarrassed. I learned from that experience how important it is to be on time. Actually, I make it a priority to be early now so I’m prepared to start on time with my teammates. …show more content…

We’re there to support each other, not compete against each other. I have also realized that my grades are just as important as sports. I’ve been trying much harder in my classes since I transferred to Clear Lake. My grades have improved a lot since I was in Mason City. I’ve been working really hard to be the best student and athlete that I can be. I’ve attended some football camps and have been listening to what my coaches are telling

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