How Evil Beats Good in George Orwell's Animal Farm

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George Orwell’s renown book “ Animal Farm” has been praised for its delicate way of criticizing communism during the Russian Revolution besides this, there is another underlying theme which Edmun Burke quotes very well: “It is necessary only for the good man to do nothing for evil to triumph”. George Orwell uses characters such as Boxer, Clover, and Benjamin to demonstrate that all it takes is a good man doing nothing, for evil to win. One animal which is considered a ‘good’ character is Boxer. Boxer is the male horse on the farm, who always is hard working and has become the role model on the farm. As the book says, “Boxer was the admiration of everybody.” Boxer is a hardworking character, with the right intentions, who most of the animals look up to. He has the qualities of what Edmun Burke calls a “good man”. Despite his potential as a good leader, leaders with evil intentions still rise to power. Napoleon, one of the pigs on the farm, rises to power and does things that are beneficial for himself. Like allowing himself and the pigs to eat the apples, sleep in beds and have ...

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