How Does Theodore Roethke Use In 'My Papa's Waltz'?

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Theodore Roethke,an American poet, has written many poems but, none as controversial as “My Papa’s Waltz.” Roethke is regarded as one of the most accomplished and influential poets of his generation. Roethke's work is characterized by its introspection, rhythm and natural imagery. While the subject of “My Papa’s Waltz” by Theodore Roethke has spurred passionate academic debate from professors, scholars, and students alike, the imagery, syntax, and diction of the poem clearly support the interpretation that Roethke writes “My Papa’s Waltz” to reminisce the “waltzing” with his “papa”;which, he thought of as “romping¨, as an adult he looked back at it and realized he was getting abused by his “papa”.

Despite all the controversy one must acknowledge the literary devices used to make this poem as famous as it is. One of the literary devices that helped shape “My Papa’s Waltz” was imagery. For example, Roethke uses “beat time on my head”, “palm caked hard”, and “battered on one knuckle” to give the reader a different interpretation of the memory he is telling. This helps form many controversy in determining the meaning behind the poem because one might think of this as the child is getting beat severely. The author uses “hung …show more content…

The author uses negative connotations such as “battered...knuckle”, “palm caked hard by dirt”, and “ear scraped” to illustrate his interpretation of the situation now as an adult. Roethke uses negative connotations to show that as a child he thought of this as “romping”;but, now as an adult he thinks of it differently. The author’s use of diction gives to sides to the interpretation of the poem; that’s why this poem is considered one of his best. Overall, diction helped tie up this poem by allowing the reader to have a connection with the

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